January 2, 2009

Duty Vs. Devotion

I read a blog post from a brother in Cape Girardeau named John Hawkins on Facebook today. He's a retired Navy man and is the Masters Commission director in Cape Girardeau, MO at Bethel Assembly of God Church where I attended for about 8 years. I found his writing thematically something that I find myself pondering often. Below are the thoughts of John Hawkins.

Occasionally I see fully devoted followers of Christ. Occasionally I am one. Sadly, it's just occasionally.

It’s not that I don’t read Scripture, pray, attend church services, give, serve others, and even preach and teach.

It’s that I don’t truly and totally love—not sufficiently, not consistently, not deeply, not unreservedly...at least not yet. And the more I learn about God, the more I realize that true love forms the foundation for true devotion.

I am very dutiful and it’s relatively easy to structure my life around duty. I’ve spent my lifetime working hard to meet the expectations of others. Whether it was my time in the Navy, or as a firefighter, or as an electrician, or in my current ministerial role, or in my marriage, I am overly committed and deeply dutiful to God, Country and Family!

But “fully devoted” and “deeply dutiful” reflect two different mindsets.

As Jesus faced the journey toward Calvary, He did so out of devotion...not duty. He faced His approaching death not from obligation to some divine plan that must be accomplished, no questions asked. Rather he faced His death because He loved us and the Father deeply. He did not endure the cross to fulfill His duty but to display His devotion.

All of our Christian rites, rituals and habits should have two goals; Love God and Love People...Totally and completely, with all our heart, soul, mind and strength!!!

Disciplines done out of duty fail to touch the heart and inevitably collapse for most of us. When we do something out of true devotion, it has a much longer lasting impact on our lives

Devotion allows us to read Scripture not for information but transformation; not to get God’s attention but to lovingly give Him our attention. We fast (from television, food, Internet, or whatever) not to impress Him but to press into Him.

The Christian journey finds its fuel not in law but in love. Our faith comes alive not with teeth-gritting determination to "do our duty" but with loving devotion to God, and each other. We enter the deepest joy as we engage the heart, not just the mind.

Learning to truly love Christ, provides the transition from duty to devotion. As we enter 2009, let the Father continue to shape us and change us! May we each have more consistent, deep, and unreserved love for Him, and each other. May each of us truly be the Salt and the Light in a world that desperately needs Jesus!

Your brother in Christ...
S.E. Missouri Masters Commission

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