September 2, 2008

Who Should you Vote For?

Who Should you Vote for?
I'd like all of you to make an informed decision on who you vote for, for this presidential election. I think the debate that Rick Warren sponsored at his church should help us all understand where John McCain and Barak Obama stand on the issues that are important to us as Christians. I'd encourage you, if you can make the time, to watch the debate by clicking the link above and watching each candidate's response to various questions like...Does Evil Exist?...Define Marriage...What is your Stance on Abortion?...What does being a Christian Mean to you?

Allowing each candidate to answer these questions in their own words should give you a clear and picture perfect understanding of each perspective candidates position on these issues.

Jubilee Family Church


  1. Hey PT, I've been without internet for a couple months, so sorry I haven't posted anything, I have been reading everything but I just didn't have time to comment, but keep it up, I really look forward to getting on and being encouraged. Keep up the good work, and I'll do my best to keep the comments coming!

  2. Ok, did you sign up to get e-mail updates?


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