July 21, 2008

Jubilee Family Church Soul Winners

I think what I'm most excited about as it relates to the outreach are the people in Jubilee Family Church who have been activated into soul winning. I've decided that every day I'm going to ask at least one person the big question. I'd like to issue a challenge to all our new soul winners to ask the big question to at least one person a day. I believe this will start an avalanche of souls coming into the kingdom of God. Let me know if you are going to take the challenge. One question a day. Seven questions a week. Have you asked anyone today?

Jubilee Family Church

1 comment:

  1. Tony,
    This message is so right on and so right now. At the River, pastor Keith has been declaring the value of one. Make a difference in just one and that one makes a difference in one and so on. Even if you are a hobbit you know at least one person who needs a touch, a phone call, a friend.If everyone would do there part then you are right the avalanche would rock the world in just days or months.Thanks for confirmation.
    Let the body of Christ unite as One.
    Rachel Moore


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