June 28, 2008

A Holy Spirit Sensitive Church

Well I was up early for me this morning because I'm so excited about what I sense the Lord is doing in the world today. I'm especially excited because of what that means to us at Jubilee Family Church. God's given us amazing ideas to reach our community and world for Him. Now it's time to execute the plan and walk out the direction and vision he's given us. I'm very confident in the Lord and believe him to be faithful on every level. As I sit here watching my dog "Buddy" chewing on a stick while laying in the slow falling mist I want to re-iterate something that I said last Sunday at church.

There's a strong push in the body of Christ to make the emphasis of the church people. Not just any people but lost people. I understand this philosophy and see some very powerful benefits to embracing this seeker sensitive movement. I however also realize that our church needs to have a very strong dimension to it's makeup that's what I call, "Holy Spirit Sensitive". Sometimes in an effort to attract big crowds ministries can compromise certain aspects of what they are doing in order to not be offensive to people who won't understand the message of the cross. I believe the message we preach should be comprehended by the people who are listening but I also know that Jesus often spoke in veiled speech to the multitude. However when in the presence of his disciples his message was plain and explained. I suppose what I'm saying is there needs to be a balance in our church. Some of the things that some Christian people have heralded as "a move of the Spirit". May just be people acting weird. I understand that also.
When God shows up in power people will come, the numbers will be there. I've decided to pursue the Lord to move in power and majesty in our services as apposed to making things comfortable to visitors. We do have several home cell groups that a visitor can go to; to connect relationally and experience true community and friendship. However when we gather together as a large group my heart is set to experiencing the manifest presence of God.

Well a crying baby who needs a nap is going to end my blog for now. God has given us the city!

Jubilee Family Church

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