May 9, 2008

The Manifest Sons of God

I believe that Almighty God wants everyone on the Earth to know him personally. Because I believe this I also believe that there's a plan in the heart of God to get this vision of His to unfold. I believe his plan is to use people who have his heart, character and spirit in them to impart the essence of Heaven into the realm of the Earth. Jesus did teach his disciples to pray, "Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." So we know that Jesus Christ wanted us to come into agreement with the will of His Father that there would be a divine collision between the stuff of Heaven and the stuff of Earth. When this happens the hearts of people become open and receptive to the redeeming message of Jesus. Outreach and evangelism in the presence of the miraculous is much more effective, fun and easy than when our gospel message is a "sales pitch". I would like you to pray with me that you and I would begin to be divine channels of blessing to a lost and fallen world desperately in need of a savior. God has given us the City we just have to step into the revealed strategy he's given us and walk it out in obedience. I'm so excited about the potential that we have within us to influence a region for God. Thank you for being obedient to the heavenly vision and playing your role to establish the rule and reign of Christ in our area of influence. I believe that the events in the book of Acts are really just the beginning of the acts of the Holy Spirit. There are more acts to this play and you and I have a part to play in expressing the Kingdom of God.

Romans 8:19 The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.

Jubilee Family Church

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